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![]() | Career & Life eZine March 27, 2010 |
Dear Friends,The Good, The Great, and The GorgeousTo become Good at anything, one must reach for a higher level or standard. Simply being Good, Ain't Good Enough...No, We Must become Great! Upon entering the music business long ago, I believed that by hitting the right notes, I was being a good musician. That was MY thoughts; my audience thought otherwise. My good was good enough...yet it wasn't great. Becoming Great at whatever we do, begs for a long viewpoint. Taking the 'road less traveled,' as M. Scott Peck wrote in his best selling novel. Long suffering to practice, perform, patience, and perseverance. Ah, yes; now That is the seed of greatness. So far, I've hit upon The Good and The Great. Ideal, Iconic, and Illuminating descriptive terms. However, Good ain't Great...And Great, ain't Gorgeous. What does it mean to be Gorgeous? Anyone care to offer an answer? Sure, it refers to females that have eye-appeal. In the truest sense, Gorgeous is descriptive of uniqueness, magnetism, power, and sensuality. Oh yeah...Good ain't Great. And Great ain't Gorgeous! Gorgeous is working toward a goal; without the expectation of a parade or money. Gorgeous is pulling my car to the side to help a stranded motorist; although this action will make me late for work. Gorgeous is shooting for the moon, and landing among the stars. To summarize this topic of Good, Great, and Gorgeous, I will quote the words of The Late, Great (not gorgeous) Fred Douglas Wright. {Mr. Wright was my maternal grandfather}. "Good ain't good, because Great is much, much better. Say nothing 'bout Gorgeous." He went on to say, "Once the work has begun, do not quit until it's done. No matter how good nor great; big nor small...Do It Gorgeously, or Not at all." My Friends...Settle not to simply achieve the goodness of good. Neither being Great for the sake of Greatness. You and I do more...because we are truly, Truly...Gorgeous!
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Always, in closing, my motto is..."The Possibilities are Endless!" Bottom-line: Choose to Be Positive versus Negative. It's a CHOICE, People. ~With Love, Andre (aka eResumes4Vips); 'The Encouragement Guy!'
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