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![]() | Career & Life eZine November 27, 2010 |
Dear Friends,Life At Work Part 5, Ivory Tower"You have to leave the city of your comfort and go into the wilderness of your intuition. What you'll discover will be wonderful. What you'll discover is yourself." -Alan Alda Life in the Ivory Tower "Rapunzel, Rapunzel, Let down You Hair," goes the Prince from the fairy-tailed fable. Life At Work speaks to our lives--In The Tower. I never, until now (after reading Thomas Moore's book), put 2 + 2 together about working in the tower. My office, is on the 1st floor of a two-story building. My Boss' office is on the 7th floor of a 10-story building. My ambition was to have a position, within the corporation, that was on the same level as is his. The money, the title, and the office. Seventh Floor! Life At Work (page 80) points out that mythology, religious teaching stories, and fairy tales reveal patterns that challenge us as human beings. Moore submits that for some, the alchemy of life work discovery doesn't necessarily begin in begins in success. Or rather, the 'Illusion of Success!' Happiness, Towers, Cubicles and Pursuing Happiness Surely, we can't simply Walkaway from our jobs. Yet, what we all want...deep down, is to be happy. Our training suggests that we can have money from our work--even moments of bliss; however, one cannot have both money and happiness at work. The Big Idea is not to become happy nor wealthy from our work/career/jobs. The central theme or key to a successful Life At Work is simply to discover the connection between US and our Work. I'm an Educator, but I work professionally as an Insurance Agent. Connected...? maybe so. Six degrees of Separation? Possibly! It's all of how I am, in the moments, at work. The connection between the Soul and Spirit of my Insurance career and the Soul and Spirit of my very being. The main point here is not to become stuck inside the Tower (cubicle) walls. To know that we know that we know that where we are is actually where we are. Confused? Of course you are. The confusion comes with the not knowing...or more precisely, the unknown. What we don't know. The feelings that we have at work, it the general barometer that we use to gauge our work happiness and fulfilment. Of course, feelings and moods are important to the human psyche (spirit) and soul--but not so much. I believe that the real keys to the vault lies within the meaning that we attach to our work. Feelings and First Aid Life At Work devotes short yet meaningful context toward the Worker's feelings and coping. Emotions is a more accurate synonym for describing the feelings we experience during our Life At Work. Moreover, it is the emotions of pent-up anger, hostility, and dissatisfaction, frequently experience at work, that we combat on a daily basis. These negative emotions, as outlined in Life At Work (page 88), stem from our work life situations. Issues of injustice, culture, loss of power, and others can contribute to Life At Work implosive anger. "Venting feels good at the moment, but it usually accomplishes nothing and may be destructive. By venting anger, you can lose a job and harm important relationships (page 88)." The Fix, the First Aid, or the Cope arrives by nurturing our Soul in the course of our Life At Work. Vacations are as much an integral component to career success as is Microsoft Excel proficiency. Self-recognition strategies to sense the inner stressor characteristics prior to manifestation. This strategy includes the avoidance of alcohol overindulgence along with proper diet and exercise. Without sermonizing on the benefits of Clean living, I believe that Life At Work summarizes the remedy to ill-health (resulting from our work) to be this...Depth of Character. Deepening of our family relationships, cultivation of meaningful hobbies and community involvement, and connecting to spirituality (religion, art, music, etc.). The next writing will be upon Life At Work's Care of the Soul At Work. Stay Tuned!
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Always, in closing, my motto is..."The Possibilities are Endless!" Bottom-line: Choose to Be Positive versus Negative. It's a CHOICE, People. ~With Love, Andre (aka eResumes4Vips); 'The Encouragement Guy!'
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