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![]() | Career & Life eZine December 11, 2010 |
Dear Friends,One Million Ways to Become...
There are a Million ways to become job satisfied...How can I achieve happiness in my career -- especially in my hate-my-job job (I hear you asking)? Of course, there isn't any template; no magic blue pill. but I'd suggest that the best way to start achieving success (aka happiness) at work is to begin to work on my (your) self-concept.
Brian Tracy, one of the World's most prominent self-development experts, coined the term self-concept as a definition of how we see ourselves. To boil this LAW down to its most basic ingredient, Tracy also refers to self-concept as, I Like Myself. With an almost snake oil trickery, Mr Tracy believes in repeating the phrase, I Like myself, over and over and over and... Snake oil salesman or not, academic research supports, in layman terms: The subconscious cannot tell the real from the imagined. Why? Because Everything is Real -- to the subconscious. What is True Happiness? Again, posted within my recent past articles and postings, I've discussed happiness and success. Many of you have read and digested my +5,000 word essay of Life At Work. Yet, the topic deserves much more space and time that any one human being can comprehend within one sitting. Our thoughts lead to feelings; feelings and emotions lead to actions (or inaction therein). True happiness, therefore, begins and ends with our perspective toward our present stature or Lot in Life. Do You Want Be Happy? Fine, You are Now happy...Be Happy Now! Alright, lets return full circle to the million strategies for becoming truly happy at work. Disclaimer:I'm not really going to share a million strategies--only 5 or 10. The following 10 tips was written by Eric J. Leech for California Psychics Blog.
All great tips -- you agree? However, those words and tips are meaningless and useless unless applied daily into our everyday life. I sincerely believe that with a grateful heart, a purposeful life at work, and sincere appreciation towards other persons, Happiness then becomes inescapable. Encouraging you to enjoy your new found career happiness and satisfaction.
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Always, in closing, my motto is..."The Possibilities are Endless!" Bottom-line: Choose to Be Positive versus Negative. It's a CHOICE, People. ~With Love, Andre (aka eResumes4Vips); 'The Encouragement Guy!'
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