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How to Get Pissed and Get Over It November 14, 2011 |
How to Get Pissed and Get Over ItToo many times, we allow people, places, and things to simply Piss Us Off! Can anybody out there relate? I am no exception to the rule.Last week, while teaching a college class, my students went behind my back and complained to the Dean that I was sabotaging their grades. I assigned LOW scores to some (formerly) A++ students. Truth be told, their writings were subpar. The grades reflected accordingly. My Action Plan I crafted a rather masterful plan (if I may say so myself) to bring up their grades while calling their attention to the academic shortfalls that were noticed on their thesis paper submissions. Yet before I could implement, in walked the Dean for an Unannounced arbitration. Man...was I pissed! Turning Lemons into (Hard) Lemonade I turned the liner inside out. I asked myself, How can i use this opportunity? Well, I composed myself; I began to dazzle the Dean with a remarkable yet analytical teaching style that was as precision-sharp as a diamond-tipped drilling bit. I could have blown my top...walked out and had a drink (Mike's Hard Lemonade, no doubt). Yet, by working through the issue, I came out smelling like a rose. Bottomline: the next time you get pissed; get over it. Instead of getting pissed...Get Even! Show Your Stuff by taking the High Ground.
Also, be sure sure to stay tuned into the Site's Blog Post Page. Here, you'll find fresh and original resume submissions from job seekers (just like you) from around the world. Until the next time, Peace and Love to all. Be Encouraged! ~Andre What are your thoughts? How can I make this publication More meaningful for you all? Please -- send me your thoughts and comments, good -- bad -- or ugly, regarding this newsletter topic via the eResumes4Vips Contact-Me, the Write-Your-Story Page(s) or email me -- eResumes4Vips eZine
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Always, in closing, my motto is..."The Possibilities are Endless!" Bottom-line: Choose to Be Positive versus Negative. It's a CHOICE, People. ~With Love, Andre (aka eResumes4Vips); 'The Encouragement Guy!' P.S. Stay up-to-date with all of the newest web content from by subscribing via... eResumes4Vips offers visitors FREE job search and resume building tools needed to make their own printable resume. Cutting-edge tips, tech-savvy tools, and career interest examples that successfully aid in finding and keeping your job. For feedback, comments, opinions, and general contribution toward this e-zine, please go to Visitors-Tell-Your-Story-Blog-Page and scroll to the page bottom to comment. All feedback is Greatly Appreciated! If you wish to support my work directly, please make a donation because it enables me to spend more time on activities that make a positive difference in people's lives. Your support is greatly appreciated. The most typical donation is $5(USD); yet any donation, Higher or lower is received with gratitude... is published by Andre V. Milteer, M.A. 121 Jordan Loop Nolanville, TX 76559-4502 (USA) (917)508-6437 eResumes4Vips intends to be fully compliant with the CAN SPAM Act. Both my Privacy Policy and Website Disclaimer Statement policies are posted for your review. Thanks for subscribing. ~Andre, aka eResumes4Vips
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