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Celebration of Memorial Day May 26, 2012 |
What it Means to Celebrate Memorial DayWhat does it mean to celebrate Memorial Day? We celebrate Memorial Day in America at this the end of May...annually at this time of year. Memorial Day has a dual meaning. We remember our deceased loved ones; we also remember our War Dead.For a moment, let's focus upon the ultimate sacrifice as rendered by our Veterans that gave all in the pursuit of freedom. Many served as as a result of a National Call to Serve...the Draft. Some volunteered. Many of our War Dead are interned in National Cemetaries. Arlington and Margraaten are two to name a few. During this time of relative peace and prosperity, it's hard to imagine the horrors of war--much less the answering of a call-to-serve. A few years ago, I got a small taste of the experience of the solemness of honoring U.S. Military hereoes that died in battle. The U.S. Army produced a traveling exhibit dedicated to Arlington National Cemetary. I captured the exhibit via Video camera and posted it to YouTube. Please take a few moments to view this powerful video. Click or paste the following link into your browser for reflection---> To our War Veterans: Thank You for Your Ultimate Sacrifice!
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Always, in closing, my motto is..."The Possibilities are Endless!" Bottom-line: Choose to Be Positive versus Negative. It's a CHOICE, People. ~With Love, Andre (aka eResumes4Vips); 'The Encouragement Guy!' P.S. Stay up-to-date with all of the newest web content from by subscribing via... eResumes4Vips offers visitors FREE job search and resume building tools needed to make their own printable resume. Cutting-edge tips, tech-savvy tools, and career interest examples that successfully aid in finding and keeping your job. For feedback, comments, opinions, and general contribution toward this e-zine, please go to Visitors-Tell-Your-Story-Blog-Page and scroll to the page bottom to comment. All feedback is Greatly Appreciated! If you wish to support my work directly, please make a donation because it enables me to spend more time on activities that make a positive difference in people's lives. Your support is greatly appreciated. The most typical donation is $5(USD); yet any donation, Higher or lower is received with gratitude... is published by Andre V. Milteer, M.A. 121 Jordan Loop Nolanville, TX 76559-4502 (USA) (917)508-6437 eResumes4Vips intends to be fully compliant with the CAN SPAM Act. Both my Privacy Policy and Website Disclaimer Statement policies are posted for your review. Thanks for subscribing. ~Andre, aka eResumes4Vips
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