Letter of Rejection Sample

by Andre V. Milteer, M.A.
(Central Texas, USA)

Teacher's Classroom

Teacher's Classroom

Letter of Rejection Sample

I recently interviewed at two area high schools for a Teacher position. Although I used all of the tools & techniques from eResumes4Vips dotcom, I was rejected. Wow, What a Blow!

For the sake of my visitors that have never received an official rejection letter, this one's for you.

Any School District, Offfice of the Professional Personnel Coordinator:

Dear Mr. Milteer,

Thank you for applying with Any School District for a teaching position. Although you were NOT selected for the position, we appreciate the time and effort you devoted to interviewing.

Your application will remain active for future openings for one year.


Madam Professional Personnel Coordinator,
Any School District, Texas, USA

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